Saturday, March 08, 2008

jsp and one last goodbye

damn you jsp.I have studied almost 2 month about jsp/servlet technology to pass the scwcd exam.
Although i am not interested in web component development, i thought that i have to learn jsp technology.But things doesnt work like that.We dont need to follow technology we need to follow what is behind technology.(saint john locke smile here).now my favorites are java server faces and facelets.damn you jsp.Who likes java inside html nowadays?No thanks.I lost my appetence.Maybe after after years now somebody thinks in the same way we think for jsp/servlet for server faces and facelets.(yes this is the rule of development the big truth ladder always go forward) or maybe not. Maybe development is not a simple ladder. We are out of our imagination and we only hope to develop always.And the truht beside us something really different.Year 2099.There is no java! damn you jsp i told you not to be so bad.I hope we can leave something for future a bit of thing.There will no books to write us but internet can save us for hundreds of years too.But who knows maybe we dont need internet in 2099?Damn i am so desperate.See you in another life brother.

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