Sunday, February 18, 2007


Think that you want to develop a java platform for mobile devices such as mobile phones,PDAs etc.How do you do it?You probably think simplifying J2SE and adding special attributes for mobile devices to it like Sun exactly did.Look at this platform.

JVM is java virtual machine as you know. KVM(first version is announced in javaOne conference,1999) is a JVM minimized and adopted for mobile phones and entry level PDAs as you see on image.CDC and CLDC are configurations and shows which devices will be used on this platform.

CDC (Connected Device Configuration) :High-end PDAs,TV set-top boxes,embedded devices
CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) :Mobile phones and entry-level PDAs

Because we will use a mobile phone(old but useful nokia 6600) our platform configuration is CLDC so i ll examine this.

Java packages belong to CLDC:
  • java.lang
  • java.lang.ref
  • java.util

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