Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Example ivy settings.xml for artifactory repository

Below you can find settings.xml for your project.It defines dependencies for ivy.

And artifactory directory structure is like that:

Point that dependency is written like

in settings.xml


in ivysettings.xml

[organisation] = javax/faces
[module] = jsf-api
[revision] = 1.1_02
[artifact]-[revision].[ext] = jsf-api-1.1_02.jar

in settings.xml

[org] = javax/faces
[name] = jsf-api
[rev] = 1.1_02

Previously i wrote that artifactory can't download artifacts when I build project with ant-ivy.I realized that I should write dependencies like javax/faces NOT javax.faces.


nezah said...

I got a lot of help from your post
However I found that in the recent version of Ivy have a option to solve this problem 'javax/faces NOT javax.faces'.
&lturl/&gt has a attribute "m2compatible" (default is 'false') and I was make it's value to 'true', 'javax.faces' is WORKS

thanx for your good post

Sezer Akar said...

Thanks jne.m2compatible=true is a handy option which ivy doesn't have in previous versions as I know.